"After 7 months of three times a week classes and twice a week training, I have hit the 50lb mark! Five pant sizes down and ready to go down another!!! Terry, John and Dave have been great motivators and helped keep me accountable and also show me how to continue my physical training when I'm working out on my own. I can't think of one time that I've left there not feeling great about myself, both physically and psychologically. I've brought in several friends and family members to drop in for classes and they've all loved BTF as much as I do. I would recommend BTF to anyone looking for personal training and/or classes. I can't wait to see myself in another 7 months! Thank you BTF staff for all of your support!"
Melissa Badieli
- See more at: http://www.bodytemplefitnessct.com/testimonials/#sthash.ERwZ1eZt.dpuf
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