About John
Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Group Exercise Instructor, Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor, Certified Punk Rope Instructor, CPR/AED Certified for Proffessional Rescuers & Health Care Providers(infant, child, & adult), Wrestling Coach, Training Instructor For US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Edson Divison.
Trained in: Kickboxing, Kickboxing Choreography, Wrestling, Exercise for Cancer Survivors, Nutrition for Performance Athletes, Youth Exercise Planning, H.E.P.A (Healthy Eating & Physical Activity) & much more...
John Zvonek ‘s passion for exercise started very young. As a child, he participated in Football, Baseball, and Karate. When he was in high school he tried out for the Wrestling Team where he was a 4 Year Varsity Letter Winner. He was All Conference his senior year and won many all Academic Awards for maintaining honor roll or high honors while on varsity. After high school he stopped exercising, but kept eating. At 250lbs and a 42 in waist, (as a wrestler he had been as low as 119lbs @ 4% body fat) he decided to change his life. “I was getting tired just walking up a flight of stairs and new this had to change.” He lost 80lbs and was able to fit into his high school size 32 pants again.
His recent personal achievements include:
Ironman Louisville Finisher
4X Tough Mudder Finisher
1ST Place Wesfield River Canoe Race
1ST Qunipiac River Canoe Race
Hockunnum River Canoe Race Finisher
Zombie Run Survivor
Warrior Dash Finisher
Straton Faxon 20K Finisher
...and many more races
John's Hobbies Current Hobbies Include:
Running, Swimming, Cylcling (Road, Mountain, & BMX), Snowboarding, Snow Trekking, Sledding, Ice Fishing, Fishing, Canoeing, Kyacking, Camping, In-Line Skating, Rock Climbing, Basketball, Football, Frisbee, Reading, Meditation,Yoga, Stretching, Volunteering & more.
John's Moto's:
"Together We WILL Acheive Your Fitness Goals"
"Turning Average People Into Athlete's...One Person At A Time"
"Train Hard...Race Easy"
"Thank you so much for all you have done for my husband John. When he came to you he was overweight, had trouble walking and getting out of a chair. All he did all day was watch television and eat. He was on insulin and other medications for diabetes. Since coming to Body Temple Fitness eight months ago he has lost 64 pounds is able to walk and move around better. He has so much energy he is now taking kick boxing classes and doing our landscaping which he has not done in years. You were able to motivate him which no one else could do. His doctor was so thrilled with his improvement that she took him off his diabetes medications including his insulin. He is much happier and feels so much better. I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for him. Did I mention that my husband is 67 years old? Thank you for giving me my husband back. You saved his life. I would tell anyone who is thinking seriously about a fitness program to join Body Temple Fitness. What you have done for my husband is nothing short of a miracle. Keep up the good work."
Florence Gojuk