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Sports Specific Training

Whether your a beginner, star of your team, or in it to win it  there is always a desire to become a better athlete or number ONE. Having a trainer work with your athlete will give them an amazing edge over their competition!

Your athlete will see improvements very quickly so expect to see noticeable changes in their sport  and themselves in a short period of time, so they build more and more passion toward their sport and their training.


Mens & Womens Sports

Football | Baseball | Basketball | Ice Hockey | Lacrosse | Soccer | Golf | Track & Field | Swimming | Tennis | Wrestling | Cross Country | Martial Arts | Softball | Soccer | Basketball | Gymnastics | Lacrosse | Field Hockey | Track & Field | Swimming | Tennis | Volleyball | Cheerleading | Cross Country | Dancing | Martial Arts

"I am entering my sophomore year at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. I am a guard on the Men's Basketball Team, and was really looking to increase my explosiveness and overall body strength over the summer. Body Temple Fitness and it's trainers are not only energetic and fun to be around, but also dedicated to achieving their clients specific goals. Every training session, Dave Ruegg (my trainer) had a new workout specialized for my own specific goals. Whether it was an NBA players' exclusive workout, or a workout that Dave created, I always left the gym more than satisfied. I am really looking forward to coming back next summer".

Erikson Wasy 

 Train Like The Pro’s

We offer our clients an unparalleled level of support, anatomical knowledge on how the body functions, and providing nutritional education to create healthy living habbits.  Our certified personal trainers provide up to date knowledge, customizing a mulit-dimensial routine to fit your needs and level of fitness to unlock your true potential in half the time. 

Ever wonder why professional athletes have chiseled, muscular bodies from head to toe with miniscule levels of body fat? The secret lies within their training! By customizing a multi-dimensional training routine to fit your needs and level of fitness we can unlock your true potential and help you reach your goals in half the time. By utilizing a certain type of muscle fiber all living beings possess, we can build leaner more muscular physique and shed pounds of body fat!

Circuit Training with H.I.I.T.

Here at our training studio, we exploit the most up to date training routines that have been scientifically proven to work! By combining High Intensity Interval Training with specialized weight training your body will maximize its potential to metabolize stored body fat and tone muscles you never knew existed!

10 Reasons You Should Use a Personal Trainer

Personal Training Sessions

Body Temple Fitness Policy

*24 Hours Notice for any Cancellation or you will be charged for your session*

*Please Be Sure to Read the Following before Making Puchases Online

Fitness Sessions Are Subject to Change Due To Class Participation. Please, Purchase Online and then Contact Us to Confirm & Reserve Your Space Today.