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Zumba Kids & Kids Jr. 

A perfect way to get the kids movin', groovin', and shakin'! A specially designed class for children ages 4-6 and 7-11. The overall goal of Zumba Kids and Kids Jr. is to create a fun, healthy program for children using the Zumba Fitness concept. Zumba Fitness developed a storyline to get children to watch, lean, and choose a path toward a healthy lifestyle. The story involves a fictional scientist named Mr. Tomic who was looking for happiness. An explosion of music, dance and energy.

Approximately 12 and a half million adolescents in the US are obese or overweight. With the Zumba Kids+Kids Jr. program, we will help children stay fit, active, and help with areas of thier development such as confidence, respect, coordination, leadership, and teamwork.


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Body Temple Fitness Policy

*Please Be Sure to Read the Following before Making Puchases Online

Fitness Sessions Are Subject to Change Due To Class Participation. Please, Purchase Online and then Contact Us to Confirm & Reserve Your Space Today. 

Zumba Kids Classes & Birthday Parties

To view more information about Zumba Kids+Kids Jr.® please visit and

See the Calendar for an Up to Date Schedule of Classes